Sunday, November 11, 2007

addictions/body image

you are beautiful

If your upset with the way you look. Better yourself. Eat better. Run. You'll be happy with the results. if it makes you feel better about yourself. good. I'm happy for you. if you still aren't satisfied. know. Know I'll accept you all the same. It doesn't matter to me. You are beautiful. Your spirit shows that. let your actions be your figure and your laugh your clear complexion. You are loved. if not by anyone of this world. then by one. But I'll accept you all the same. Don't cry. You are loved. You are beautiful. You are wanted. by HIM.

I'm addicted. Addicted to social interaction. I'm emotionaly unstable and on the verge of a mental breakdown. I need to feel loved. To know I'm here. To know I'm alive. I know. I know.

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