Sunday, November 11, 2007



gen·o·cide [jen-uh-sahyd] Pronunciation Key
the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.
[Origin: 1940–45; < Gk géno(s) race + -cide]

—Related forms
gen·o·cid·al, adjective

gen·o·cide (jěn'ə-sīd') Pronunciation Key
n. The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.

[Greek genos, race; see genə- in Indo-European roots + -cide.]

gen'o·cid'al (-sīd'l) adj., gen'o·cid'al·ly adv.

1944, apparently coined by Polish-born U.S. jurist Raphael Lemkin in his work "Axis Rule in Occupied Europe" [p.19], in reference to Nazi extermination of Jews, lit. "killing a tribe," from Gk. genos "race, kind" (see genus) + -cide, from L. -cidere "kill," comb. form of caedere "to cut, kill" (see concise). The proper formation would be *genticide.


systematic killing of a racial or cultural group

genocide [ˈdʒenəsaid] noun
the deliberate killing of a race of people
Arabic: إبادَه جَماعِيَّه
Chinese (Simplified): 种族灭绝,有机划的灭种和屠杀
Chinese (Traditional): 種族滅絕
Czech: genocida
Danish: folkemord
Dutch: genocide
Estonian: genotsiid
Finnish: kansanmurha
French: génocide
German: der Völkermord
Greek: γενοκτονία
Hungarian: népirtás
Icelandic: þjóðarmorð
Indonesian: pembantaian
Italian: genocidio
Japanese: 集団虐殺
Korean: (한 인종의) 몰살, 말살
Latvian: genocīds
Lithuanian: genocidas
Norwegian: folkemord
Polish: ludobójstwo
Portuguese (Brazil): genocídio
Portuguese (Portugal): genocídio
Romanian: genocid
Russian: геноцид
Slovak: genocída
Slovenian: genocid
Spanish: genocidio
Swedish: folkmord
Turkish: soykırım

genocide [(jen-uh-seyed)]

The deliberate destruction of an entire race or nation. The Holocaust conducted by the Nazis in Germany and the Rwandan genocide are examples of attempts at genocide.

[Chapter:] World Politics

Main Entry: geno·cide
Pronunciation: 'jen-&-"sId
Function: noun
: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group —compare HOMICIDE —geno·cid·al /"jen-&-'sId-&l/ adjective

I hate genocide, statistics, and political agendas

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